Sound Fountains for tinnitus relief, sound  masking, and relaxation
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SonaCube Warranty and Disclaimer


The SonaCube comes with a one-year limited warranty from the date of sale. The SonaCube Fountain is guaranteed to be free of defects, to not leak, nor malfunction for one year under normal use. Damage to the fountain due to dropping or cleaning are not covered. Running the fountain dry voids the warranty as this will cause the impeller assembly on the fountain pump to fail.

The Sonacube is designed for indoor use only. It is recommended to use either distilled, de-ionized of "steam iron" water in the fountain. Using tap water may cause unsightly carbonate deposits to form in the bubble chamber and shouldn't be used. 

The SonaCube is handmade to order, and once turned on cannot be returned for reasons other than those stated above.


The SonaCube is not a medical device. No claims are made as to the efficacy of the fountain in treating tinnitus. Tinnitus is a brain-induced phenomena. At the present time there is no cure for tinnitus. The SonaCube can, however, be a useful adjunct to  treatments such Tinnitus Retraining Therapy  and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

The SonaCube is intended as an aid for persons in coping with or habituating to the annoyance of tinnitus. Since the fountain reduces the difference between the sound level in the environment  and the perceive level of tinnitus, it can be helpful in reducing the perception of tinnitus. In the bedroom environment this phenomena can aid tinnitus sufferers in falling and staying asleep.

If you have any questions, please email us at

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